Based on National Federal Emergency Management (FEMA) response protocols, the RESQMD “response” teams function under the Mass Casualty Incident (MCI) control and command structure. Our teams have onsite and offsite Medical leaders accompanied by tiered support teams based on the needs of the client. The Onsite team is supported by a Base Team who monitors logistics and team safety.

Base Command

The base logistical team is responsible for monitoring the travel safety of the client and the medical team. The base team constantly updates the deployed medical assets with up to date US state department and CDC advisories regarding geo-political threats, weather developments, security risks, and developing health epidemics. This planning and analysis is performed prior to any deployment and is constantly updated with vigilance. The base team individualizes the risk for every excursion by pre- deployment evaluation of each client’s medical profile. Every trip is individualized to the needs of the client.

Once deployed, The Base command provides an added level of assurance to the team for safety of unknown threats. It monitors the location of the team via gps and in an event of a failure of scheduled “check in”, activates back up regional assets for search and rescue. The team works closely with regional partners with specialty training in security and retrieval. The Base Medical Commander maintains all final command and control decisions of the team’s deployment and safety.

The Medical Team

Team Leader

The RESQMD team leader is a highly trained Board Certified Emergency Physician by design. This individual is a seasoned and uniquely qualified individual to respond to medical emergencies involving any organ system. When minutes can mean the difference between survival, the Emergency Physician is who the President of the United States (POTUS) travels with at his side. It is our commitment to bring that same access and support to our client.

Support Team

The RESQMD response team based on the risk assessment can avail itself to supplement on call specialists in any specialty.

Sub-specialty Physicians

  • Cardiologist (Heart)
  • Neurologist (Brain/Spinal cord)
  • Pulmonologist (Lung)
  • Gastroenterologist (Stomach/GI)
  • Nephrologist (Kidney)
  • Rheumatology/Immunology
  • Toxicology/Poisonings
  • Disaster Medicine
  • Tactical Medicine
  • EMS Medicine
  • Travel Medicine
  • Infectious Diseases
  • Critical/ICU
  • Infertility
  • Event Medicine


  • Cardio-Thoracic
  • Neurosurgery
  • Trauma
  • Vascular
  • Urology
  • Ob/Gyn
  • Transplant
  • Pediatrics

Registered Nurses

Physician Assistants

Medical Assistants

Our Mission

To provide immediate vital on-scene emergency medical support to clients, their families and support staff, during domestic and international travel, or in other resource limited environments.