Whether it is adventure travel to K2, a bucket list venue to the taj mahal or diving in the great barrier reefs, traveling well is a pre-requisite to any successful trip. Unfortunately, being away from home often exacerbates pre-existing medical conditions, or brings about new ones. Something as simple as taking daily medications can become problematic when traveling into different time zones. While a trip to the doctor or Emergency Department is inconvenient while at home, it can be disastrous when abroad. Even a minor injury or illness can ruin the best planned trip. The RESQMD physician team is especially trained to be able to provide onsite emergency medical care in a moment’s notice when minutes count. Coordination with the local healthcare system so that you are receiving care based on best practices and evidence based standards is a very critical component to a healthy recovery. An early trained response means that you and your co-travelers can resume your planned activities with minimal interruption and expenses.

Having a RESQMD physician travel with you can seem to be the ultimate luxury, although some consider it a necessity. The physician may only need to care for minor unexpected medical situations that can save your trip, but will be ready to manage a sudden life-threatening medical problem that could save you or your family’s life. That Assurance and peace of mind is priceless.

Our Mission & Vision

To provide immediate vital on-scene emergency medical support to clients, their families and support staff, during domestic and international travel, or in other resource limited environments.