To ensure a successful event, good event planners account for every detail. However, they often overlook the most critical unforeseen circumstance: the sudden illness or injuries to an organizer or participant. Important events often require months of fine tuning even the smallest details. Yet an unforeseen injury or illness can sideline key participants. The RESQMD team will work with the planning team to prepare for potential medical emergencies, and will provide the immediate on scene medical care that will allow people to be feeling their best at the time when they are most needed.

For large scale events, the RESQMD infrastructure is prepared to guide organizers to create a facility action plan to manage and mitigate participant health. Our experience in Event and Disaster response spans two decades.

Our Mission & Vision

To provide immediate vital on-scene emergency medical support to clients, their families and support staff, during domestic and international travel, or in other resource limited environments.