Business travel is a necessity in the worldwide economy. Such meetings mandate significant economical and logistical commitments from an organization. Travel vendors know to provide for transportation and accommodations, but sometimes neglect the most critical component, the ongoing mental and physical health of the Executive team. Successful companies know that their most important asset is their human resource. Medical interruptions that unexpectedly occur during travel or while on distant locations can be disastrous.

The RESQMD physician team provides for oversight of routine medical care, such as guidance for the management of chronic medical conditions, but is also prepared to mitigate unexpected injuries or ailments so that business meetings and events can continue as planned. A RESQMD Physician can evert unanticipated medical crisis thereby optimizing Executive Health and Business performance. Therefore providing the Assurance and peace of mind that a well-executed trip deserves. An ounce of prevention is always worth more than a pound of cure.

Our Mission & Vision

To provide immediate vital on-scene emergency medical support to clients, their families and support staff, during domestic and international travel, or in other resource limited environments.