Our Mission

To provide immediate vital on-scene emergency medical support to clients, their families and support staff, during domestic and international travel, or in other resource limited environments.

Our Company

  • RESQMD is a New York based Professional Limited Liability Company.
  • The concept was formed by two Board Certified Emergency Physicians who have life long experience responding to multipleMass Casualty Incidents (MCIs) and Disasters.
  • Emergency Physicians are the ONLY medical sub specialists uniquely qualified to respond to out of hospital threats withspecial training in toxicological, biologic, nuclear, and chemicaldisasters.
  • Golden Rule of Emergency Care: survivability after the first hour of a life-threatening injury extremely unlikely. Brain anoxic damage begins after 4 minutes. If Qualified care is not on scene when the injury occurs, the likelihood of a positive outcome is grave.

About ResQmd

RESQMD draws its curriculum from several diverse, yet complementary disciplines in the house of medicine. This includes emergency, prehospital care, disaster, humanitarian response, environmental, search and rescue, sports, tactical, military, orthopedic, trauma, infectious disease and many other disciplines in medicine.

Why Us

RESQMD is a Physician owned and operated enterprise. Our mission is to provide the highest level of emergency medical support to our clients utilizing best practices. Our caring and compassionate staff are seasoned professionals who are uniquely trained to handle the most changeling situations with ease. Allowing our clients to travel with assurance and peace of mind. We carry that burden for you. Recognizing that support staff, family, and friends play an integral role in that sense of Assurance, our circle of protection extends to those travelling with you. Our Disaster response plan is designed to provide a swift and coordinated recovery during a crises situation.

What We Do

  • Unlike others who provide retrieval support only after an emergency has occurred (often too late), we proactively accompany clients to destinations where access to care may be limited or of questionable quality
  • This provides a level of expertise and high level emergency care that is unprecedented, until now only reserved for the President of the United States.

Key Focus Area

Emergency, Prehospital Care, Disaster, Humanitarian Response, Environmental, Search and Rescue, Sports, Tactical, Military, Adventure Travel, Conceirge Care, Disaster Recovery, Corporate Events, Tactical Law Enforcement

Our Mission

To provide immediate vital on-scene emergency medical support to clients, their families and support staff, during domestic and international travel, or in other resource limited environments.


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